My Place of Birth


I was born in California, to an American father and a Spanish mother. I didn’t choose to be born there. I just happened to be.

My youngest daughter was born in Kazakhstan. My husband and I adopted her when she was around 3 years old. She didn’t choose to be born there. She didn’t choose us to adopt her. She just happened to be.

There was another girl her age sharing my daughter’s room in the orphanage. Let’s call her May. What a beautiful little thing! And how hard she tried to be the chosen one. You see, certain families could pick up the child they wanted to adopt. Couples walked around, trying to decide who the lucky one would be. My family and I couldn’t understand why that sweet doll was still there. One day May started playing with our son. They really had a great time. When the visit was over, May clung to him in desperation, screaming and crying, begging him to take her with us. Truly heartbreaking. I then asked the caregivers why she hadn’t been adopted yet and the answer was that she had 4 siblings and, according to local laws, could not be adopted without them. May didn’t choose to be born there. She just happened to be.

There are millions of stories like these, in which our place of origin very much determines our future, our life. Although we’re all part of one Humanity, we don’t seem to care for our species. Where we happen to be born completely affects our chances and our opportunities. Furthermore, it affects the way others look at us and treat us. Thinking about May and my own daughter I realize that life could be so much easier for everyone!

I imagine a different world, a different order; one in which we all thrive. Shouldn’t we all be guaranteed certain basic needs upon birth, just because we’re human? Wouldn’t that make sense? Shouldn’t all babies be given food and shelter until they grow up? Shouldn’t each member of our species have enough to live in dignity? The World has already been scientificall proven capable of feeding us all. Let those who want to treasure and accumulate do so, if they wish to, but let no more human beings become victims of their place of birth.

Haven’t we grown as a species? Only when all human beings have their basic needs covered just because they were born, will humanity really be humane. I can’t wait for that day!

Enjoy life, all of it,

Jessica J. Lockhart – humanology –

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