Coaching for You


Dear friends,

I am so, so, so very excited!!!! COACHING FOR YOU will launch in just a few short days  Do send me a message if you’d like me to save a copy for you.

Thank you, JAMES S.O.U.L. for your beautiful and unique illustrations and thank you, PRISCILLA CHASE-DURAN for your help in translating it for me.

No excuses now. Discover what life coaching is all about. Get moving and become the person you truly want to be!

Enjoy life, all of it,

Jessica J. Lockhart – humanology –

My Place of Birth


I was born in California, to an American father and a Spanish mother. I didn’t choose to be born there. I just happened to be.

My youngest daughter was born in Kazakhstan. My husband and I adopted her when she was around 3 years old. She didn’t choose to be born there. She didn’t choose us to adopt her. She just happened to be.

There was another girl her age sharing my daughter’s room in the orphanage. Let’s call her May. What a beautiful little thing! And how hard she tried to be the chosen one. You see, certain families could pick up the child they wanted to adopt. Couples walked around, trying to decide who the lucky one would be. My family and I couldn’t understand why that sweet doll was still there. One day May started playing with our son. They really had a great time. When the visit was over, May clung to him in desperation, screaming and crying, begging him to take her with us. Truly heartbreaking. I then asked the caregivers why she hadn’t been adopted yet and the answer was that she had 4 siblings and, according to local laws, could not be adopted without them. May didn’t choose to be born there. She just happened to be.

There are millions of stories like these, in which our place of origin very much determines our future, our life. Although we’re all part of one Humanity, we don’t seem to care for our species. Where we happen to be born completely affects our chances and our opportunities. Furthermore, it affects the way others look at us and treat us. Thinking about May and my own daughter I realize that life could be so much easier for everyone!

I imagine a different world, a different order; one in which we all thrive. Shouldn’t we all be guaranteed certain basic needs upon birth, just because we’re human? Wouldn’t that make sense? Shouldn’t all babies be given food and shelter until they grow up? Shouldn’t each member of our species have enough to live in dignity? The World has already been scientificall proven capable of feeding us all. Let those who want to treasure and accumulate do so, if they wish to, but let no more human beings become victims of their place of birth.

Haven’t we grown as a species? Only when all human beings have their basic needs covered just because they were born, will humanity really be humane. I can’t wait for that day!

Enjoy life, all of it,

Jessica J. Lockhart – humanology –


Personal Essence@ is a method designed by humanologist and author Jessica J. Lockhart to help us understand and know ourselves better. Based on her observations and knowledge, Jessica discovered this tool and developed its method to help human beings discover and understand their most basic characteristics. 

Jessica defends that all human beings are unique upon birth. Personalities are developed based on our experiences but there’s something there even before that. She called it “personal essence.” A human being’s personal essence corresponds to a certain concept. It could be anything. Some real examples of personal essences are: light, Spring morning breeze, lioness, lifesaver… The person shares almost all characteristics of his or her personal essence. Thus, if a person’s personal essence is for instance, fire, that person will be warm or hot, depending on the circumstances, will need constant feeding and oxygen to survive, will never stop moving, etc.

Jessica J. Lockhart can now help you find out what your personal essence is. By knowing it, you will be able to better understand yourself, your relationships with others and your own reactions to the world. You’ll also be better able to make choices and decide on things based on who you truly are.

Join us next December 4th in Guadalajara, Mexico, for a practical Personal Essence® workshop with humanologist Jessica J. Lockhart and discover what you are.


Feelings are Part of the Personal Sphere


What Story do You Tell Yourself? by Jessica J. Lockhart

‘Feelings are part of your personal sphere. Nobody can make you feel anything toward them. Whatever you feel has nothing to do with their behavior or actions.’ I know you might be a bit shocked by my words now. They’re not what most people say or believe. But bear with me for a little while longer, so I can explain myself, because this is an important gift I’d like to give you.

We grow up learning that others are to be blamed or thanked for our feelings. We spend our lives looking at others in order to decide how to feel. If I feel upset, it’s because X did something to me. If I am happy, it’s because Y made me so. But I disagree with that lesson. I don’t believe that anybody has the power to make us feel anything. I believe that we own our feelings completely. We choose how to feel about events.

When somebody does something, it is in your power to interpret that action as something harmful, neutral or even positive. You take those actions and study them against your previous knowledge and experience. You, very quickly and subconsciously, decide then what they mean. Imagine you have grown to believe that that specific type of behavior is negative, you will feel a negative reaction inside you. But another person whose life experience taught him that the same behavior is positive, would feel a positive reaction inside. It is therefore not the behavior, the action or the event in itself that causes our reactions, but our previous experience and knowledge that determine how we’re going to feel about something.

We’re all born without preconceptions. If a baby receives only abuse, he might grow up seeking abuse as a form of affection, which is an extreme illustration of the process.

We’re taught how to feel: ‘this is good, that is bad.’ We then feel whatever it is that we learned to feel. When somebody does something that should make us feel a certain way, we make them responsible for our feelings; we “blame” them when, in reality, it is us interpreting their actions that triggers our feelings. The same action can make us feel good today but bad 10 years from know, if our life experience teaches us a different perspective. Look back if you want to see what I mean. Isn’t there anything that you used to consider “bad” or “negative” that you find somehow “good” or “positive” today?

I encourage you to take control of your own feelings. They only belong to you. Nobody has any power over them. 

Imagine that somebody slaps you. It is your choice how you interpret it. We’re taught to think something like “that person hurt me.” What I propose, instead, is that you start interpreting events more along the lines of… “I feel… by that person’s action.” It is you who feels; it is you who interprets; it is your decision. Take the power away from others. That power is yours, only yours.

But bad is bad,’ you might tell me. And this is my gift to you. Whatever others do, it is for you to take it an such a way that you feel empowered. Even if you think that a certain action is bad, you might choose to take it as a lesson or as a trigger to do something instead of just choosing to feel hurt or damaged. Take responsibility for your feelings, owe them completely, and you will have control of a great part of your life. 

Enjoy life, ALL of it,

Jessica J. Lockhart – humanology

Discover your Personal Essence®


Personal Essence® is a tool developed by humanologist Jessica J. Lockhart to help us understand where we come from and who we truly are. By identifying our personal essence, we come to explain our past and present and can therefore plan our future better.

The seminar will be open to adults and will have a maximum level of participants. Light refreshments will be offered throughout the day but participants will have to provide their own lunch. There’s a couple of restaurants in the vicinity of the venue.

Babysitting services can be supplied upon request. Please, consult with us by sending us an email to


What do You See?



An old friend of mine just wrote and told me, among many other things, that his part of the world seems to be wallowing in negativity. I open Facebook and find dozens of positive messages encouraging me to look at life with hope and happiness.

It’s funny… we look at the same world and see a completely different and sometimes even opposing reality. That’s because of our world views. We see what we see, not what we want to see. Our past experiences and lessons in life shape our world view. We look at things, at people, at animals and see what we somehow “learned” to see. We can’t see them any other way. Not because we don’t want to, but because we are not able to.

Therefore, trying to convince somebody else to see what we see is not just a matter of persuasion. That person doesn’t share our world view. That person doesn’t have our experiences and lessons. How could he or she see what we see? Getting upset because they don’t doesn’t make any sense then, does it?

Let me give you a very, very simple example to illustrate what I mean. Imagine that you grow up believing that being fat is ugly. Certain cultures foster and strengthen that belief. You might see an overweight person and perceive a somewhat deffective human being or just not so attractive. Another person who grows up in a culture in which being fat is beautiful (there are some of those, as well) will consider that same human being a delight to look at. The person being scrutinized is the same! The only difference between both situations is the world view of the person looking. 

So next time you try to convince somebody to see things your way, remember that that person doesn’t share your world view. It might help you, too.

Enjoy life, all of it,

Jessica J. Lockhart, humanology

The Types of Forgiveness

1.pngWe’ve all forgiven somebody for something. At least in our minds. But have we truly forgiven them in our hearts? In our very cells?

According to the dictionary, forgiving means granting pardon, absolving. In my own definition, forgiving only applies to the first two types of forgiveness: in your mind and in your heart. Forgiving in our minds means understanding that the offender might have had some reasons to do what he or she did. Forgiving in our hearts implies accepting  what the person did and wishing to leave it behind.

We sometimes forgive in our minds and hearts to discover that the memory doesn’t go away but pops up unexpectedly to bring us back to the event and trigger similar feelings in us again. I believe that is because we haven’t truly forgiven.

True forgiveness only happens when you can let go of the memory and the feelings attached to it. Until then, it will come back to haunt you and make you suffer again from the pain or the sadness that it originally created. It is not until you can finally let go of the memory, therefore, until it only becomes a recollection, something to bring back at will, that you truly, completely forgive… others or yourself.

A memory is something that comes back to us triggered by a sound, a word, a situation, a smell… A recollection is a memory we ourselves bring back. Turning a memory into a recollection that we can bring back or discard is the ultimate forgiveness process because it strips the memory of its sentimental power. Being a process, it can be learned and mastered.

Teaching you the complete process goes beyond the scope of this little post. Being aware that true, absolute forgiveness involves that third level is the first and very important step in that direction. Feel free to contact me if you want to learn more about the process and tools of absolute forgiveness or if there’s a memory (or several) haunting you and not letting you be happy.

Remember, life is to be enjoyed, ALL of it,

Jessica J. Lockhart – humanology



Labels prevent us from seeing the human being behind them. Once a person is labelled, we immediately see that person through the label. The label might affect our complete vision of that human being or only part of it but only by looking behind the label will we be able to truly see the person as he or she truly is.

Labels act as filters in front of our eyes and hearts. By labelling other human beings, we’re turning them into whatever their label says. We look at them and it’s like if we’re wearing tainted glasses. Instead of coloring what we see, they turn the focus of our attention into something different, something we expect to see, the label we have in mind.

There are all kinds of labels. Some are empowering, some are limiting and diminishing. Whenever we judge and label, we turn the labelled person into something else, something defined by the label itself. So, if I label somebody “disabled,” that person automatically becomes “less abled” in my mind and will from then on be perceived as such by me. If I then spread that labelled image, other people will also see a “less abled” human being in front of them.

Furthermore, from the moment in which I start seeing a person through a label, that’s the way I will treat the human being behind it. When a person is “less abled” in my eyes, my behavior changes. That person receives a special treatment just because I perceive him or her as “less abled.”

Imagine what damage other labels can do! Idiot, ugly, poor, slow, shy, rich (yes, even this label can be very limiting!) and a whole list of others. It’s been scientifically proven, for instance, that people labelled “fat” are very often perceived (and treated) as less reliable, less efficient, lazier and less healthy. Given our education and culture, the label “fat” comes together with certain preconceptions. By seeing a person through that label we often perceive an image distorted by our cultural preconceptions instead of the real human being.

If a person’s label is widespread enough, he or she might even start believing it about themselves and acting the part. Label a child something enough times and they will become their label. “Shy” is a very common one. Children labelled “shy” usually believe their labels and grow into shy young adults. This effect can often be seen in schools. Whenever a child is labelled something by teachers, “slow,” “problematic,” “trouble maker,” “gifted,” the label spreads from year to year, from teacher to teacher and from teachers to classmates. The labelled child suffers from the pygmalion effect and is perceived and seen through the label and treated accordingly.

The truth, then, is that the real human being is not the one we perceive. What we see is a distorted version of the human being. And the distortion is caused by the label. Labels distort our understanding and perception of other human beings.

It is true that experience can help us get rid of certain labels. I might see the person behind the label at a certain point because of something; maybe an event opens my eyes or the labelled person does something that forces me to see them behind the label. What happens then is that the label disappears. I stop seeing the person through it. There’s no label anymore.

I encourage you to think about the people you know, about your friends and loved ones in particular. What labels do you have for each of them? Can you see behind them?

Whenever you meet somebody new, can you see the person and avoid new labels?

And what’s even more important still, do you label yourself anything? Can you see yourself behind your own labels?

Enjoy life, ALL of it,

Jessica J.  Lockhart – humanology

KARIBOO – bilingual edition


KARIBOO, a story about love and hope by Jessica J. Lockhart

The Spanish publishing company Babidi-Bú, specialized in books for children, will very soon launch a new bilingual edition of KARIBOO in English and Spanish. This classical book on abandonment, loneliness and adoption comes out in an improved, fully bilingual version for children and adults alike. Help your little ones recover hope with this lovely and tender story from the heart.

Preorder your paper copy by sending us an email now ( and receive it signed by me.

Help your children enjoy life, ALL of it,

Jessica J. Lockhart – humanology

Diving into Humanology


Humanology is at the service of human beings. It works with and for them. That’s why I’m traveling abroad next week. Let me explain…

I have a client who needs a break, a real break from her past and her beliefs. She needs to take a big step forward which will require very intense work and quite a few hours of discovery and support. We could have worked session by session, making slower process, reaching smaller goals each week. But she needs her break now. She’s ready now. She needs to leave the past behind today, not two months from today.

So I travel there and we dive together into humanology. We will spend one or two days totally devoted to helping her reach the other side. She will have all my humanology tools at her disposal to pick and choose as needed. There will be no time constrains, no interruptions, just us, totally devoted to helping her be the person she really wants and needs to be.

Diving into humanology is a unique and extremely powerful experience. With the support and guidance of the humanologist, the diver plunges into the most complex challenges to come out renewed and filled with hope, knowledge, understanding and light. The old self is left behind, a new one emerges from the process, the self that the diver needed to find.

Diving into humanology is therefore a process of enlightenment and transformation so powerful that the human being is completely renewed.

Humanology serves human beings in each and every way. If a person needs to challenge and change a belief or remove some fear, a few one-to-one sessions might be enough. If there’s a personal journey to oneself, the special 12-session program works wonders. Workshops and seminars disseminate and offer practical tools. Diving into humanology targets very profound personal changes and issues. Humanology is at the service of human beings and should therefore adapt to their needs by adopting and supplying all necessary elements and formats.

Humanology is the discipline that works with and for human beings to offer them new doors to open, new perspectives and worldviews, new room to grow. This and much more is what humanology has to offer.

Enjoy life, ALL of it,

Jessica J. Lockhart, humanology

Who am I?

copia-de-discover-your-copyPeople who don’t really know me look at me and see a person I don’t recognize. My friends look at me and see the person they believe I am. I look at myself in the mirror and see one person on good days and another one on bad days. I try and project an image of myself for others to see that is the person I’d like to be. And then I look inside searching for the person that I feel I am.

As part of growing up, we all learn to show certain parts of ourselves to others. Depending on the different cultures, we are taught to show some parts or others.

But we also learn to perceive others following similar patterns.

There comes a moment when we don’t really know who the real person is and who the projected ones are.

And then there’s the issue of the real me buried under all those images projected, perceived, imagined and proposed. Who am I? I close my eyes and look for myself inside. I think I feel something there. I might even perceive my essence. But then, who am I, the one perceiving the self or the self that’s being perceived?

I look for answers outside and inside, alone and with friends. Who is the real me? What am I here for? What do I really want? What do I want others to see in me? Can I really project what I want? Can I reach others and can they truly see the real me?

I look for myself in the mirror but, do I really see ME? It’s hard. I focus on certain aspects, I can’t seem to be able to grasp the whole ME.

I ask my loved ones. Who am I? But their answers are as varied as themselves.

And then I feel lost. I don’t really know who I am and that causes an unbearable insecurity in me. I doubt every decision, each step, all my utterances. Which one is talking?

The Journey to Yourself is a journey I began years ago. Step by step, I learned, unlearned, advanced and grew, discovered and unveiled. Journey to Yourself is the journey of all journeys, the journey that explains and gives meaning, even when not fully completed. Each new milestone reached in the Journey to Yourself opens new doors and expands our worldview to allow us new perspectives and understandings.

It is my personal belief that all human beings sooner or later embark on their own Journey to Yourself. It’s part of our humanity. Many travel their journeys alone. Others seek guidance and help. What really matters is to keep on going, no matter how fast.

Enjoy life, ALL of it,

Jessica J. Lockhart, humanology

Humanology Seminar: Find and Define Your True Self


Lots of people devote many hours to complaining and lamenting their fate or their situation. How many of them do decide to take control and change their circumstances so they can be happier? Are you one of them? How many devote a little effort to questioning their reality and becoming happier and more fulfilled?

This seminar constitutes a very important first step in the search for a more rewarding life. By offering practical, daily tools, it turns into a personal guide that can be applied from moment one and lead us into knowing ourselves better while helping us define who it is that we want others to see in us.

Through theory and practical exercises that require no personal details, attendees discover new ways to understand their reality and the image they project, while developing a personal development plan for themselves that will open the doors to a future over which they have greater control.

What are you waiting for, don’t you want to stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself? What’s preventing you from taking control over who you are and who others see in you? Isn’t it worth a day of your life to find that door and open it? I’m showing it to you. Open it. I’ll be by your side.

Book your tickets HERE

Learn now to enjoy life, ALL of it,

Jessica J. Lockhart, humanology

Sessions – Sesiones



Reserve your special one hour-session with Jessica. Discuss your problems with her to find new approaches and solutions. In Bern. Sponsored by Zentrum 5.

Reserva tu sesión de una hora especial con Jessica. Comenta con ella tus problemas para encontrar nuevos enfoques y soluciones. En Berna. Patrocinado por Zentrum 5.

Réservez votre session spéciale d’une heure avec Jessica. Discutez vos problèmes avec elle pour trouver de nouvelles approches et solutions. À Berne. Parrainé par Zentrum5.

Jessica J. Lockhart


Ego Also Matters


For years now, I’ve been hearing people blame “EGO” for everything and despise it, advising everyone else to stop listening to their egos and somehow turn a deaf hear to them.

But our egos play a fundamental role in our lives. Their job is to confirm our beliefs. And they do it with a passion.

We need beliefs. Beliefs are our foundations and whenever they are shaken, so are we. Without beliefs, we’d stumble. We’d have real difficulties making our minds up for even the smallest things. That’s why ego needs to confirm our beliefs over and over again. That’s the reason behind ego’s persistent voice. That’s ego’s role.

Ego will obviously defend all beliefs, not just the ones we approve of. Ego doesn’t question them, just enforces them.

So next time somebody tells you to turn a blind eye on your ego, remember that you also need it to stand on your own two feet. Question your beliefs if you want to, but don’t blame ego for everything that happens to you. Ego is just doing its very important job. Appreciate the work it does and grow together with it.

Enjoy life, ALL of it,

Jessica J. Lockhart, humanology